

How To Setup An Auto Clickerer And Teach Your Dog

auto clickers have become an essential part of any do it yourself dog training program. They have been around for many years and are a proven, effective device for teaching dogs. The concept is simple. You feed the dog a treat when it stays close by your clicking device.

how to setup an auto clicker


There are basically two types of clicker devices. The first type of unit is called the probe clicker. This is the most commonly used clicker and is made up of a small metal strip with a probe that is clicked when the strip is pressed. These are usually only recommended for smaller dogs since they can get pretty sensitive and may not be effective in telling apart between a real dog food from a fake. The second type of clicker is called the ultrasonic clicker. This emits an extremely high frequency sound that is not heard by humans but can be heard by your dog.


So now we come to how to setup an auto clicker. You set up the clicking device to target your dogs ahead of time. If the dog stays just ahead of the clicker and then stops, the clicker will go off. You then have to wait until the dog does what you want it to do and then give the treat. It really is as simple as that.

How To Setup An Auto Clickerer And Teach Your Dog


If you are wondering how to set up an auto clicker, another thing you need to do is to train your dog to stay by your side and to look at you when you give the treat. This may sound silly, but many dogs don't understand that they have to follow you when you click. Your dog needs to learn that you mean business and that it's OK to stay by your side. Don't make it hard on your dog by giving it lots of treats if it doesn't cooperate. In fact, you should reduce the treats that you give your dog whenever you are teaching how to setup an auto clicker.

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When your dog successfully finishes the training period, you should reward him with a treat. When he fails to listen to you, or doesn't respond to the click, just ignore it. Your dog won't know why you are ignoring it when he hears that you are giving it a treat. This way, it gets the message that when you give the treat, it must be followed by some sort of attention or consequence. Your dog will then understand that you mean business when you tell it to follow you.

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The length of a training session depends on several factors such as how long the dog has been trained, your level of expertise, and how well you know your dog. Generally speaking, you can expect to get a dog to obey about two hours. When starting out, you might want to pace yourself so that you don't burn out the dog. Try not to force your dog if it doesn't seem ready. Instead, just spend a few minutes giving the treats and waiting until the dog responds.


To teach how to setup an auto clicker, you will need to first go to the hardware store or an electronic store where you can find some automatic clickers that you can use. Then, you should go home and search for some small clips that you can attach the clips to. These clips will serve as your dog's collar. Put the clips on both the front and the back of the shirt and wait for the dog to do what you want him to do.


It is important to remember that with how to setup an auto clicker, you should not use force if your dog is not yet willing to cooperate. If your dog tries to resist, just stop the clicking and ignore him. He will soon realize that he has been given his treat and that he can get it whenever he wants one. This is how to train a dog to do what you want him to do. Training a dog should not be difficult if you have patience.

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